The digital age of music brings with it it's own issues. One of them is people that use bots to inflate an artists followers and listeners.
In this day and age of promotion and how easy it is to promote artists with a budget it's a shame people are resulting to trying to cheat the system.
When people use campaigns that are bot driven it doesn't work, their numbers might look good for a while and then they drop to below what they were when they started.
There are a number of companies out there that use bots so be very careful who you give your money to and if it looks to good to be true it is, check them our before handing over your money or it might cost you more then you think.
Artists that dedicate their life, career and their hard earned money playing gigs to promote themselves deserve the attention, not from people that use bots to inflate their numbers artifically.
As a disidtribution company this subject has always been an issue and we take a zero tolerance with it. If we get notified from one of the streaming services we immediatly investigate it. If we find artists or managers who are doing it their account is closed and their music is pulled, streaming services are likely to follow suit.

Now Spotify which is the first and I'm sure not the last is imposing penalties per release of any material found to be involved when artificial streams are detected. Other DSP's will follow suit and content will be removed and accounts closed as they already have done it in the past.
We see this as a positive for artists who put their heart and soul into their music and it will level the playing field. Fines can range from $20 and up and distributors can and most likely will charge a takedown fee if artificial numbers are detected. As much as we'd like to say it this has been happening for to long and we're glad the DSP's are involved.
For those of us that love music, the industry and where it's going this is the right step towards a fair balanced system.